Get independent, objective advice on your financial options. Mortgage Professionals are not restricted to any one bank or range of products. They work for you and can make objective recommendations on financing solutions through hundreds of lenders.
Save time with convenient one-stop-shopping. Mortgage Professionals do the research and shopping for you so there's no need for you to waste time organizing appointments with competing mortgage lenders when you could be house-hunting!
Negotiating on your behalf. Negotiating can be stressful. Mortgage Professionals act in your best interest and do all the negotiating to secure competitive rates and terms that make sense for you.
More choices. With a network of major lenders and products to choose from, Mortgage Professionals can source your ideal mortgage options from banks, credit unions, non-traditional lenders and more.
Assurance that you're getting the best rates and terms. Mortgage Professionals have the negotiating power because lenders compete for their business. To you that means the best rates and terms for your individual needs.
Access to special deals and add-ons. Many financial institutions offer incentives including retail points programs or appliance discounts. Mortgage Professionals can tap into the perks and savings you deserve.
Fast and efficient. From the initial assessment of your unique situation right through the closing process, transactions move quickly when working with a Mortgage Professional.
Expertise. Mortgage Professionals are specialists providing expert advice and guidance on mortgage products, interest rates and current housing market conditions.
No cost to you. Mortgage Professionals are paid by lending institutions which in the vast majority of cases means there's no cost to you and no surprises.
Ongoing support. Even after your successful mortgage transaction, Mortgage Professionals are a great resource for advice, queries or future referral needs.